

Join Us Sunday Mornings!

11:30am CENTRAL TIME - to find your local time, here's a Time Zone converter

Experience an interactive community, learning and growing together, to build the Kingdom within.

Experience the depth of LOVE through meditation and unconditional love.

Password: nextage777

Community Groups

We are excited for this new adventure in growing strong, creative communities that bring life, love, and restoration around the world in unique ways to see harmony and LOVE established in the earth! We want to create space for anyone joining the community to find their place and unique contribution.

For a list of our current Ekklesia groups that are open to new members, please click here. We also offer groups for those who are registered to take the Ultimate Impact course. New groups are announced in our weekly newsletter and during Sunday gatherings. For information on these courses, go the

To join THE GATHERING, please click below.

Kingdom WITHIN

This is the place to connect with THE GATHERING. Welcome! Join us and find your tribe. 🙂



  • Open Community

  • Interaction with Gil and others

  • Engage with others in similar interests

  • Special access to content

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Community Group App

© 2023 Kingdom Equipping Center