Gil & Adena Here...

We've loved working with people for over 30 years, in helping them to see who they really are, God's incredible plans for them and encouragement in walking it out!

A Little About Us

From Gil's beginnings as a former pastor in conservative Christian Church to today, God has led us to break out of boxes of religious conformity into greater levels of freedom. Having overcome significant trauma, Adena has a passion to see people set free and walking into glorious liberty.For the past 5 years, we've been engaging in "Next Age" Christianity - exploring the heavenly realms, learning how to flow as an ekklesia, exploring restoration and so much more!

Why Plumblines Instead of Doctrines

We've found that doctrines tend to divide people over what we believe. At Kingdom Equipping Center, you have the freedom to believe how God is leading you, without needing to conform to a certain set of doctrines. We do have plumblines that help us to be one in heart even if we disagree with doctrinal details. Watch this video to learn more!

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